You can see the top performing stocks rated by 3-month Relative Strength in any Sector, Group, Industry or Subindustry in your Data Panel.
Open the Data Panel and enter Edit mode by clicking the gear icon. Use the search to add Sector, Group, Industry or Subindustry to your data panel

Exit edit mode by clicking the X to save your changes. Click on the arrow next to the Sector, Group, Industry or Subindustry title to expand the list.

The top 10 stocks in the Sector, Group, Industry or Subindustry are automatically ranked by 3 Month Relative Strength (RS 3M). The columns displayed are Symbol, Price % Change Today, RS 3M and Relative Measured Volatility 15 Day (RMV 15d). The Price % change will update in real time.
You can display the chart of any symbol in the list by clicking on the ticker symbol.

Note: Only stocks with a minimum 20-day average dollar volume of greater than $10M and a minimum price of $10 will appear in the top 10 rankings.
To collapse the the Top 10 ranking, click the arrow again.