Deepvue uses the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), the institutional standard, consisting of 11 Sectors, 25 Groups, 74 Industries, and 164 Sub-industries.
In Deepvue you can click on any Sector, Group, Industry, or Sub-industry to see all the stocks within. When a Sector, Group, Industry, or Sub-industry appears in ‘blue,' that means it occurs the most frequently in that list.
Below is the S&P500 sorted by Industry

Now, assume you want to see all the stocks in the Software Industry. Click on any of the Software in the Industry column

Your list will now show all stocks in the Software Industry

To exit the Software Industry and return to your previous list, click the X next to the name in the search box

You can explore any Sector, Group, Industry or Sub-industry simply by clicking on any of them in the data table.