Sharing links to custom screens, watchlists, column sets or data panels with other Deepvue subscribers has never been easier!
To share a custom screen, go to the My Screens menu, Saved Screens and find the screen you want to share in the menu. Then, click the options menu (3 dots) and select “Share”
A unique link for that Screen is automatically generated and copied to your clipboard. Simply paste the link into your social media feeds, share with your followers, send by email or share in your trading chat room for other Deepvue subscribers to use.
If you receive a share link, click on the link. If you are logged in to Deepvue already you will see a notification in the header to add the shared Screen. If you are not logged in to Deepvue you will be redirected to the login page to login first, then you will be able to add the shared Screen.
Clicking Add will add the screen to your Saved Screens menu. You can also add the shared screen to any folder you wish. Clicking close will close the notification and the screen will not be added.
You can also share custom Watchlists, Column Sets or your Data Panel by following the same steps: