Relative Strength Rating 1/3/6/12 month #
Relative Strength (RS) Rating is a weighted rating that compares a stock's performance to that of all other stocks in Deepvue benchmarked to the S&P 500. The RS Rating operates on a scale of 1-99, with 99 representing the best possible rating and 1 the worst. In other words, a score of 99 means the stock has outperformed 99% of all other stocks when benchmarked against the S&P500. Deepvue offers RS Ratings for 1, 3, 6, or 12-month timeframes. RS Rating 1-month is non-weighed, 3-month is equal weighted while the 6 and 12-month timeframes weigh more recent price performance more heavily than older price history. The RS Rating is especially handy for identifying the strongest stocks in the market or, on the flip side, it can also help identify weak stocks and potential short-selling opportunities. These data points update daily.
Absolute Strength Rating 1/3/6/12 month #
The Absolute Strength (AS) Rating is a distinctive feature in the Deepvue. This rating provides an overview of a stock's absolute price performance compared to all other stocks in Deepvue benchmarked against the S&P 500. Much like the RS Rating, the AS Rating operates on a 1-99 scale, with 99 being the best possible rating and 1 the worst. Deepvue offers AS Ratings on 1, 3, 6, or 12-month timeframes. Absolute Strength sets itself apart from Relative Strength by applying equal weight to each time period included in the rating, whereas the RS Rating applies weighting to more recent periods. These data points update daily.