Earnings Date #
Earnings Date is the day on which a company will report its next quarterly or annual earnings. Earnings dates are marked on the charts with a capital “E”. Quarterly earnings dates show on the daily timeframe while annual earnings dates are shown on the weekly timeframe. Upcoming earnings date are also highlighted in the symbol column of the data table with either a grey or red flag. A grey flag signifies the earnings date is within 14 days while the red flag indicates earnings are within 7 days.
Earnings Time of Day #
Earnings Time of Day denotes the specific timing of a company's earnings report. It will either be before the market opens (BTO) or after the market closes (AMC). Earnings time of day can be seen by hovering over the grey or red flag in the symbol column to activate the hover note showing the date of earnings as well as time of day.
Earnings Status #
Earnings Status indicates the state of a company's earnings date as either confirmed or estimated.
Latest Reported Earnings Date #
Date of last reported earnings.
Days Since Last Earnings #
Number of business days since the company's most recent earnings report. Counts the daily candles that have traded since the earnings were announced. If the company reported earnings before the market opened today, then tomorrow the count would be set at two.
Quarterly Earnings Per Share (EPS) #
Earnings Per Share is a financial metric that represents a company's net income divided by its outstanding shares of common stock. All Earnings Per Share (EPS) data in Deepvue is on a GAAP Net Diluted basis. EPS (quarterly and annual) formula is: (Diluted Net Income + Earnings Of Discontinued Operations + Extraordinary Item & Accounting Change) / Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.
Annual Earnings Per Share (EPS) #
Annual EPS is a company's reported Earnings Per Share (EPS on a GAAP Net Diluted basis) over a one-year period. All Earnings Per Share (EPS) data in Deepvue is on a GAAP Net Diluted basis. EPS (quarterly and annual) formula is: (Diluted Net Income + Earnings Of Discontinued Operations + Extraordinary Item & Accounting Change) / Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.
Quarterly EPS – Latest Reported Quarter #
Company's latest quarterly reported Earnings Per Share (EPS).
Quarterly EPS – 2-11 Quarters Ago #
Company's quarterly reported Earnings Per Share (EPS) from X number of quarters ago.
Annual EPS – Latest Reported Year #
Company's latest annually reported Earnings Per Share (EPS).
Annual EPS – 2-6 Years Ago #
Company's reported Earnings Per Share (EPS) over a period of one year, X number of years ago
Quarterly EPS Estimate – Next Quarter #
Forecasted estimate of a company's Earnings Per Share (EPS) for the next quarter.
Quarterly EPS Estimate 2-14 Quarters Forward #
Forecasted estimate of a company's Earnings Per Share (EPS) for X number of quarters in the future.
Annual EPS Estimate – Next Year #
Forecasted estimate of a company's Earnings Per Share (EPS) for the next year.
Annual EPS Estimate – 2-6 Years Forward #
Forecasted estimate of a company's Earnings Per Share (EPS) for X number of years in the future.
Quarterly EPS Estimate – Latest Reported Quarter #
Earnings Per Share (EPS) estimate for the latest reported quarter.
Quarterly EPS Estimate – 2-13 Quarters Ago #
Earnings Per Share (EPS) estimate for X number of quarters ago.
Annual EPS Estimate – Latest Reported Year #
Earnings Per Share (EPS) estimate for the latest reported year.
Annual EPS Estimate – 2-5 Years Ago #
Earnings Per Share (EPS) estimate for X number of years ago.
Quarterly EPS Growth (%) – Latest Reported Quarter #
Percent (%) change in quarterly Earnings Per Share (EPS) compared to the same quarter 1 year prior for the latest reported quarter.
Quarterly EPS Growth (%) – 2-13 Quarters Ago #
Percent (%) change in quarterly Earnings Per Share (EPS) compared to the same quarter 1 year prior X number of quarters ago.
Annual EPS Growth (%) – Latest Reported Year #
Percent (%) change in annual Earnings Per Share (EPS) compared to the previous year.
Annual EPS Growth (%) – 2-6 Years Ago #
Percent (%) change annual Earnings Per Share (EPS) compared to the previous year, X number of years ago.
Average Quarterly EPS Growth (%) – Last 2-5 Quarters #
Average growth in a company's quarterly earnings per share (EPS) over the chosen time period, either 2, 3, 4 or 5 quarters.
Average Annual EPS Growth (%) – Last 2-5 Years #
Average growth in a company's quarterly earnings per share (EPS) over the chosen time period, either 2, 3, 4 or 5 years.
Quarterly Earnings Acceleration – Last Quarter #
Quarterly earnings growth rate has increased over the prior quarter.
Quarterly Earnings Acceleration – 2-5 Quarters #
Quarterly earnings growth rates has increased over the last X number of consecutive quarters.
Quarter Over Quarter EPS $ Growth – Last 2-5 Quarters #
Quarterly Earnings Per Shares (EPS) value have increased over the last X number of consecutive quarters.
Quarterly EPS Estimated Growth (%) – Next Quarter #
Forecasted expected growth rate of a company's Earnings Per Share (EPS) for the next quarter.
Quarterly EPS Estimated Growth (%) – 2-14 Quarters Forward #
Forecasted expected growth rate of a company's Earnings Per Share (EPS) X number of quarters in the future.
Annual EPS Estimated Growth (%) – Next Year #
Forecasted expected growth rate of a company's Earnings Per Share (EPS) for the next year.
Annual EPS Estimated Growth (%) – 2-6 Years Forward #
Forecasted expected growth rate of a company's Earnings Per Share (EPS) X number of years in the future.
Average Quarterly Estimated EPS Growth (%) – 2-5 Quarters Forward #
The anticipated average Earnings Per Share (EPS) growth rate for the next X number of quarters.
Average Annual Estimated EPS Growth (%) – 2-5 Years Forward #
The anticipated average Earnings Per Share (EPS) growth rate for the next X number of years.
Quarterly Earnings Acceleration – Next Quarter #
Quarterly earnings growth rate is expected to increased next quarter.
Quarterly Earnings Acceleration – Next 2-5 Quarters #
Quarterly earnings growth rate is expected to increased over the next X number of consecutive quarters.
Quarterly EPS Surprise – Latest Reported Quarter #
The difference (%) between analyst estimates and actual reported earnings per share (EPS) for the latest reported quarter.
Quarterly EPS Surprise – 2-7 Quarters Ago #
The difference (%) between analyst estimates and actual reported earnings per share (EPS) X number of quarters ago.
Annual EPS Surprise – Latest Reported Year #
The difference (%) between analyst estimates and actual reported earnings per share (EPS) for the latest reported year.
Annual EPS Surprise – 2-6 Years Ago #
The difference (%) between analyst estimates and actual reported earnings per share (EPS) X number of years ago.