Alerts Notifications Panel #
When an alert is triggered, a pop-up notification is displayed in real-time at the top right corner of your screen. At the same time, an alert populates your alerts notifications panel with all of the pertinent information you will need to be able to make a decision on the spot.
Users can also control the time period over which they would like to view their triggered alerts from as little as the last 15 minutes to as long as the last month.

The notification shows if a stock has risen above or fallen below a particular level, the price percent change on the day, the relative volume, and the price surge (percentage change over the past 15 minutes). The alert can be toggled on or off from the notification as well.

Alerts Manager – Editing or Deleting an Alert #
Editing Alerts #
By clicking on a stock within the Alerts Manager its chart will be displayed to the right.
To edit an alert, simply click the ‘pencil' icon next to the alert in the alert in the Alerts Manager. This action opens the edit alert pop-up, where desired changes can be made. Don't forget to save the alert after making the changes.
Notice that the alert can also be toggled on or off from here as well.

Deleting Alerts #
To delete alerts, whether it be just one or many, use the action checkboxes to select them. Once desired alerts are selected, clicking on the red trashcan icon at the top left corner of the Alerts Manager will remove the selected alerts.